View ArticleLeetcode Mode Starts
View Article我是一个坚强的人,但我不会翻转二叉树
View ArticleProof of "For convex optimization problems, local minima are global minima."
Probably, everyone in or partially in machine learning or data mining heard about the quote “There is no local minima for convex problem.” Today I would like to show the mathematical proof of this...
View Article最近的生活
View ArticleFirst-Order Optimality Condition
I will continue the notation I used in previous post.The convex optimization problems are defined as follows: Here, for notational brevity, the convex optimization problems can be expressed in the...
View ArticleSigned Number Representation and Bitwise Operation
Signed Number RepresentationRepresenting numbers is an interesting topic. Intuitively, we can represent the numbers in many different ways. However, when it comes to the digital world, in computer...
View ArticleGradient Descent Essentials
Gradient descent is arguably the most widely used optimization techniques. At least in my personal research, it almost occupied the majority of my research solutions.Gradient descent looks pretty...
View ArticleMultiset
In mathematics, a multiset (or bag) is a generalization of the concept of a set that, unlike a set, allows multiple instances of the multiset’s elements.A multiset is similar to the set concept but...
View ArticleBinomial Coefficient Basics
Binomial CoefficientThe majority content in the following can be found in wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_coefficient. Here I would like to highlight some key “basics”...
View ArticleAmazon Research Interview
1st Phone InterviewBriefly introduce your PhD work and some internship experience.Difference between hidden Markov models and linear dynamical system.Coding questions: similar to the Leetcode question:...
View ArticleLyft Interview
Data ChallengeYou are given a 300M dataset (~3,000,000 rows) which includes GPS informations about the passenger’s desired pick-up and drop-off locations and their actual pick-up and drop-off...
View ArticleVatic Labs Interview
HR Phone InterviewIntroduce yourself and your PhD research.Why do you swtich from CS to financial?What’s the most proud thing you have done?
View ArticleNEC Lab Interview
Phone Interview (with about 8-10 people)Briefly introduce your PhD work and some internship experience.Pick one of our papers and discuss the details.People in the lab keep switching the phone and ask...
View ArticleCoursera Interview
Phone InterviewA coding question: You are given a string containing a comma-separated list of tokens. Tokens may have zero length, contain internal commas, or be surrounded by double quotes (“). Write...
View ArticleAncestry Interview
Online coding testA simple string processing problem with some corner cases.
View ArticleMicrosoft Interview
Phone InterviewHave a fair coin and you can flip it many times. Now you are asked to make a Yes-or-No decision based on probabilities: 1/3 chance say “Yes” and 2/3 chance say “No”. How do you flip the...
View ArticleAdobe Research Interview
Phone Interview (with director)Briefly introduce your PhD work and some internship experience.Ask any questions after the director explains the details about Adobe Research.Question: what the problems...
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